When to Overseed?:
In Michigan, late August to mid-September is the ideal
time to seed all grass types. The soil is warm yet the air has cooled down from
summer temperatures.
However, most homeowners don’t want to go through the summer with a spotty
lawn. Mid to late spring can be a suitable time to reseed bare patches in the lawn,
after frost warnings are lifted. The soil temperature needs to be at least 50 degrees
for grass to germinate at a normal rate. Waiting longer gives the soil more time to
warm up to about 60 degrees and improves your success rate. Given sufficient
moisture, the seed will germinate quicker with the added warmth, depending on the
seed type.
How often should I Overseed my Lawn?:
If you reseed every three to four years you re-establish the lawn before it begins to
thin out. This ensures the lawn stays thick and dense, which prevents weeds from
invading. If you have pets or areas that receive a lot of foot traffic, you may have to
reseed more often to prevent bare patches.